
For my freshman seminar class today, I was required to attend Yamato. I had absolutley no idea what it was; I thought it was something put on by college performers. Well, it wasn't. Yamato is a traveling group of Japanese drummers, and take my word for it, they are absolutley amazing! My sophomore year I got to see the Blue Man group perform, and until now I had nothing even compare to it! Well Yamato was equally as professional, entertaining, amazing, and any other wonderfully talented word you can think of! I am so happy that I took this class!
I would recomend Yamato to anyone and everyone! It isn't simply a drum performane. When you read the program, you get more information about the history of Yamato and more about the performance. Here is just a little clip from the article,
...Yamato is unique in the field of Taiko drumming, because our stoic presence expresses what we feel to be the distinctive soul of the Japanese people. This quality has given our music a strength that is now recognized the world over
At the same time, I don't feel compelled to solely articulate the culture of Japan or the Japanese people. The Taiko drum is an insturment belonging to the earth. Its heartbeat expresses the powerful pulse of life: the life of human beings and their hearts that resound in every passing moment.
...We carry open, smiling faces into our performances. Here, men and women are equals on the stage. Our smiles are meant to tickle the serious side of a human being; men tickling woman, and women men.
... Above all though, I think the sound of these drums communicates something of vital importance: energy; energy that is exchanged from us to you and you to us. Energy and the courage to see on to tomorrow.
Maasaki Ogawa
For more information about this crazy awesome group, click HERE!