Just as an update, I am officially a Plasma doner as of this past Friday :) --> I'm mostly in it for the money, I'm not gonna lie, but the good deedness makes it worth my time, too.
Nic came up this weekend and it was absolutley fantabulous! I made dinner for us two, brooke and matt, and a few other friends on Saturday. It was hard figuring out what to make given that Matt doesn't like onions (but he says he likes fajitas... hm), and the fact that I dont have much money! I ended up making Baked Ziti... it was pretty good tho! Nic said it was good and he was proud of me! :) He should be hah!
Sunday Nic was introduced to Warhammer and he even started painting a model of his own! He sounds really excited about it and wants to "make this a hobby"... I think he said that about 10 times on the phone while he was driving home lol!
After he left for GC town,
Chris and I played Frisbee golf; it was my first time! I got last place: bad news. I was 3? points behind: good news! That's not too bad for my first time throwing a frisbee!
And today was pretty "chill"... here's how it went for the most part:
9:30 - Classes Begin
2:30 - Classes non-begin
blah blah blah
5:00ish - Rec with Kelly: Intense
6:20ish- To the Apartment for some yummy left-overs
Practiced Belly Dancing
Pretended the Belly Dance was hip hop
9:00ish - Off to WalMarto
Bought Easter Eggs for 67 cents
Then dropped off Kell and came back here for some Blog posting. OH! AND I found out today that my window in my room DOES open... awesome!