Nic's Christmas Present!

Radio City Music Hall

Radio City Music Hall
Nic and I leave for the city tomorrow night. How exciting!!! I'm very "pumped" as some may say.
Tomorrow is my last final... thank goodness. I feel like it's been the longest week of my life. 2 finals Monday, 1 Tuesday, 1 today, and one tomorrow at 1. I just want to be DONE! I don’t know how I did on any of them yet but I feel like I did ok.
My room is getting messy. Usually it is clean, but since I have been studying like crazy I have sort of neglected her.... meaning my room. My tree still is gorgeous though! I would show you but I have no picture. I can't wait to get my camera that I forgot about! For reasons such as this.
It’s finals week and I am nervous, stressed, tired, and scared as usual. I always feel overwhelmed during finals week. Tomorrow I have my Japanese written/comprehensive test at 11:40 to 1:30 and Natural Disasters at 2:00. I’m not excited OR ready. I hope I do alright though. I also have to work tomorrow from 5 to close (around 9:30), but that’s not that bad cause I’m hoping we wont be busy so I can study more for my following exams.
I went to Nicole and Shanno’s house tonight. We had yummy cheese soup V. Nic met us there and ate, too so I’m assuming he liked it as well. After Nicole’s I met up with Britton at the library for about 3 ½ hours… not too bad.
Well anyway… this was a really boring post so I’m just going to go study more. Finals week bites sucks.
Can’t wait for Jersey though !